Start a Business Fast

Ready to Launch Your Dreams? Let's Get Started!

Domain Name Registration

In the first course I teach you how to quickly register a domain name. Registering a domain name is super simple and a first step in starting your business. There is a small fee for registering a domain.

Web Hosting Setup

In session two we kick right on to web hosting setup and as a bonus, we discuss a little bit about how to become a web host reseller so you can make recurring income hosting websites if you want.

Installing WordPress

Over 455 Million people use WordPress for their websites. If you know how to use WordPress your are on your way to business success. It is scalable and will grow as your company grows. It can handle most business needs in a pinch.

Installing a Theme

We have chosen the best and most comprehensive theme for you to install. It will save you so much time and headaches and make your business look professional quickly if you follow my simple steps.

Simple Logo Design

A logo can cost anywhere from $50 to $50,000 ā€“ Iā€™m not even joking! So why not learn how to create a nice standard logo? Included in this tutorial are a handful of templates that will get you started on creating a nice logo quickly.

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